You will sort and categorize. Prioritize results At this stage, you can remove the keywords that do not suit you: competing sites, products that you do not sell, products that you do not sell, etc. You need to direct your resources towards pages that will bring you sales. If you are in a competitive sector, I also advise you to analyze the competition to identify the sites already positioned on the different queries. This analysis will allow you to know if you have your place in the SERPs.
Here again, it would be a shame to spend time creating pages Cambodia WhatsApp Number Dataon requests monopolized by unbeatable players. Determine the tree structure Once your list of keywords is sorted, several types of queries will begin to emerge: Keywords linked to the theme (Example: Fishing sales) Keywords linked to product categories (Example: Fishing rod sales) Keywords linked to product subcategories (Example: Sea fishing rod sales) Keywords linked to brands (Example: Daiwa Sales) For this classification step, I usually use tools like Mindmeister .

Mental mapping software that allows you to pose different ideas and build a tree structure with a logic of granularity. Example with the fishing store: Another example of a tree structure with the cat store: Step 3: Creating pages Depending on the different interesting keywords to target, which you identified via the two previous steps, you will be able to define the pages to create or optimize. For the most competitive queries, it will be interesting to create semantically solid pages.